Just because it is a hectic week does not mean we cannot sneak in one more post. This will be short for various reasons. One big motive for being brief is to go up to the school to share in a few moments of birthday celebration for my youngest. There is one huge item running through the news lately that seems worth at least a comment. One danger is knowing whatever one says will be misunderstood. Another issue is the very nature of the current events. But let's take a swing at this with the hope we don't miss.
The shooting of the young man in Florida is a tragedy all the way around. Our liberal friends want to think of us as an enlightened society yet we are very far from that. Our conservative friends take a different road yet cannot explain how events like this continue. Herein lies my irritation with all of the reporting on a human tragedy. Facts are hard to come by amid all of the finger pointing. Every news network brings its unique bias to their reports. No one seems the least concerned about the loss of a life when you want to find fault. Even reading news articles can be little help in this case. What rings true to me is the ongoing presence of racism in our world no matter how smart we think we may be. It also bothers me that even if the shooter will bear responsibility that no idea of innocent until proven guilty is on display.
Growing up in the South is different to be sure. My journey included all sides of the civil rights struggle in the 70's. Some of my very best friends during those years were black. I traveled with more than a few of them in varied settings. This does not mean any immunity from the temptation of racism. This is not a confession made gladly. But we seem to imagine that education or other human tools will lift us past this sin. My very first sermon was delivered in a black church close to my hometown. Nothing says excitement like sharing a worship experience with those beloved people. God even allowed me to speak one Sunday at a significant black church in Shreveport of all places. My life is richer because of the friendships and experiences with people with a different skin color than I.
A family struggles with grief over the loss of a son. It seems like everyone else looks for a way to use this story to their advantage. Be sure about one thing. Both the liberal and the conservative cannot fully explain this horrific act. God keeps telling us that until we deal with sin that such tragedies will occur. I can only hope we can stop at some point to be sure we do not add our failings to this sad tale.
Bro. Trey