The new year is technically only moments away here. It always confuses me as to when we are to celebrate today. Most news channels say the new year starts in the eastern time zone. Our friends on the west coast have a few more hours left before midnight. We could also mention that January 1 arrived hours ago in Europe. Seems like a decent idea to just take the hour when it happens in your local time zone. The whole idea of going overboard when changing the calendar is something beyond me. I am sure that is is just my strange mental wiring that sees it that way. It is true that I will be glad to get 2010 behind me. Some years stand out over the course of time. My last year will be right at the top of that list.
Resolutions are the norm about now. People are making promises so their next year will be an improvement. Health clubs are about to see a spike in business. There will be a lot of new customers with every intention to get healthy during the year. Most of them will fall away as the winter progresses. I won't get on a soapbox here. This is just human nature. We tend to make all manner of promises for the future that tend to lose its luster over time. Getting better at being a human being requires much more than resolve. You already know this so my repeating it may ring hollow. One can only hope for the discipline and perseverance to make any resolution a reality.
You may also see lots of news programs and the like making predictions for 2011. We like to think about what the future holds. Some of the articles are meant to be on the humorous side. Some of the predictions tend to take a very serious approach. Looks like our President has some big decisions coming up. Odds are good that he will fail to make anyone happy. Congress should be a fascinating place for awhile. Fireworks may signal the end of the old year but they should be prevalent in politics for the next one. I don't take predictions with much serious thought. They have about the same effect as the weather forecast. Life tends to happen beyond the scope of even the best predictions. My best advice is to remember no one truly knows the future but God. Learn to expect the unexpected to keep your life in balance.
May we draw near to God while moving through this year. Let's keep in mind there will be obstacles for us to face. Try doing at least one thing during each day for another person with no thought of any reward. Attempt some new project that may be out of your comfort zone. Tell those closest to you that you care about them on a regular basis. Refuse to carry grudges or hurts that bring you no closer to God's purpose of life. Spend time with children so you can remember the awesome power of curiosity. Life is really not that complicated when you think about it. May your 2011 be the very best one ever. I hope to end this year still trying to say something here worthwhile. Have a safe and blessed new year all year long.
Bro. Trey