How do you get scripture from your mind into the normal flow of your life? I realize that most people who attend church will have some concept of divine truth. Most churches offer some type of Bible study program both on Sunday and throughout the week. You can walk through a Christian book store to find no end to studies related to scripture. But do we still fall short when it comes to applying what we learn into what we do? My view remains that we don't fall short in teaching the truth as much as we tend to miss the application. I know this is not terribly original in thought nor particularly profound. It does still consume much of my thinking as to how to correct this.
I could tell you that we talk much about God's love yet fail to fully express it. You might nod in agreement but already realize this. Perhaps we could write about how many of our congregations will site the call to mission without reaching out to those in need. You could see this yet still not be convinced. One could talk about various levels of conflict that occur far too often in our churches. You could recognize the pattern yet be waiting for someone else to make the first move. Stories can be told of believers who struggle with all manner of emotional or spiritual struggles on a daily basis. This might draw some sympathy but not really lead to any significant breakthrough. One thing is common denominator in our falling short in being the people of God. We may know the truth about our condition but not really long for change.
Spiritual maturity goes as far as our obedience takes us. God does speak to us even in our current condition. This really is not strange as He spoke often to those who listened for His voice in the scripture. Destinies changed forever because one person would dare to take God at His word. We may not see burning bushes or be blinded by great light but be sure He still speaks. God's word is as much alive today as it was thousands of years ago. Maybe you think of scripture as just telling us what all we cannot do in our life. Reality is quite the opposite of that. God speaks to let us know what all can be accomplished both on a daily basis as well as over a lifetime. Obedience brings that knowledge into present day awareness. We move past agreeing with God and into putting His truth into action.
One of our local parents who is a teacher has keen insight into obedience. Let me paraphrase it for you. Obedience is doing the right thing, at the right time and in the right way. All three of these items must be included for it to be true obedience. We must do the right thing according to God's truth. We already know that fact as a general rule. But we also must do it at the right time. Tomorrow is really not a good day to obey if we miss on it today. We also must do it in the right way. Putting the truth into practice is never meant to be a drudgery. Now we may go through some upheaval as God rearranges our heart and mind to obey. But the end result is divinely designed to be one of joy. The truth really can set you free. Just know that freedom comes with the price of obeying God. Pay that price and you will enjoy all of the blessing.
Bro. Trey